Cambridge Universities First Aid Society
CUFAS is a student society open to members from Cambridge University and Anglia Ruskin University. We are a SJA Cambridge Universities Unit.
Become a member »Training
We provide first-aid training for SJA members and first aid outreach to non-members.
Learn more »Events
St John takes on a wide range of events, including most May Balls and June Events. If you would like to request first aid cover from St John Ambulance, fill out their form on their website.
Request event cover »Learn and practise first aid while having fun doing it!
We take on a wide range of events, including most May Balls and June Events, giving you a great way to get in and experience the atmosphere of some of the country’s most exclusive events.

We volunteer at events across the country, from May Balls to national events.
St John Ambulance provides first aid cover for events, ranging from small fairs and fetes, through club nights and college balls, right up to large music festivals and sporting events with thousands of spectators.